Logo Glissando

Telefon: +49 9172 669211 service hours: Mo-Fr. 8:00-17:00 Uhr

harfe@glissando.de - E-Mail for harp inquiry

versand@glissando.de - E-Mail for mail order

buchhaltung@glissando.de - E-Mail concerning questions about invoices and paymants


Bernadette Kerscher
Heidecker Straße 4
91187 Röttenbach


Open Mo.-Fr. 8:00-17:00 Uhr, Sa. 9:00-13:00 Uhr

for expert advise about harps or harp service it is necessary to make an appointment


How you find us

Our premises are in 91187 Röttenbach, Heidecker Straße 4
We are located 40 km south of Nuremberg in the south of Germany
Important: in a GPS please search with PLZ 91187 oder complete address, "Röttenbach" is a current name around here and sometimes customers turn up in the wrong "Röttenbach" , one hour away.


Glissando - harp center was founded 1987 by Bernadette Kerscher.

She had already developed large harp classes in Tübingen und in Nürnberg . The students worked on lever harps - that were quite new at this time. So for the work at home the students needed harps.

After classical harp studies in Stuttgart and Würzburg she founded the company to provide instruments to her pupils.

Starting place for GLISSANDO was a little shop in Nürnberg, the first catalogue for music sheets was written on an electric type writer - die PCs just appeared these days and were not yet in widespread use.

erste Ladenräme in Nürnberg

1991 we moved to Schwabach, there we had a bit more space to show the harps.

But after some years this was not enough again: the large Concert harps needed more exhibition space, the mailorder business with harp music and strings grew constantly and could not be handled by Bernadette alone any more, but there was not enough space for employees.

Bernadette unterwegs

In the year 2000 we moved again to our new location in Röttenbach.

Here finally we got the space to present well the beautiful instruments and build up our team for mail order and customer service. Austellungsraum Konzertharfen

We had even space for a small concert room, that brought a l,ot of joy and good souvenirs. Unforgotten are a number of legendary concerts and workshops - Christoph Pampuch, Dominique Bouchaud, Park Stickney, Evelyn Huber, Monika Stadler, Bernard Andres to name just a few of the many well known musical friends that we welcomed on stage.

Bernadette im Konzert
dominique bouchaud
christoph pampuch
evelyn huber

But the story did not end yet: after 20 years of presenting the harps of CAMAC, SALVI, LYON, VENUS, DUSTY STRINGS, TRIPLETT, THORMAHLEN, .. - and servicing and repairing all these different instruments- we began in 2006 building our own harps in the workshop of Bernadette Kerscher.
Soon we had great success with the strong sounding, beautiful and individually designed harps - and all the available space was used for harp building.
Therefore in 2015 we had to move the harp building team to an other building - a former shop for funiture, 2 km away from our exhibition building -
Since the harp production does not need all the available space - at the moment - we could again create a space for concerts and workshops, and organised a lot of nice harp and other concerts there.
